3. Dealer Space

An application to offer best-in-class digital customer service, and the most powerful website / retailing backend in the market today.

Mastering Space Auto's Dealer Space

Welcome to your training on Space Auto's Dealer Space, the ultimate tool for full control and seamless car sales from anywhere. Let's explore how Dealer Space revolutionizes dealership operations, providing a cohesive and powerful experience for both dealers and customers.


Dealer Space: One App, Full Control

Sell Cars the Right Way, Anywhere

Space Auto’s Dealer Space offers the full power of our platform on any device, enabling you to sell cars efficiently from anywhere. This tool is designed to give you complete control and accountability.

Accountability and Transparency

True Visibility into Your Funnel

Vendors often inflate their metrics to keep their services appealing. Space Auto changes the game by giving you visibility into your full funnel. Now, you can clearly see which marketing strategies are providing real value and which ones are just slowing you down.



Prioritize Deals Effectively

Track, Respond, and Close with AI

Dealer Space tracks the status of your deals through the funnel, enabling you to prioritize customers at the exact moments they are most likely to convert. With AI-powered responses, follow-ups, and exceptional closing tools, Space Auto helps you provide best-in-class digital customer service and close more deals.


Simplified, Connected Experience

No More Frankensteined Software

Dealer Space, like all Space Auto products, is ergonomically designed around the way the human hand uses devices. This results in a simple, easy-to-use product that delights both your staff and your customers.


"Please enjoy our home-made Frankenvan... although an atrocious creation representing dealers tech stack, we can't help but imagine how sick this would be if we saw it actually driving down the road"

Seamless Inventory Management

Connected Cloud Data

Dealers can easily track and organize inventory, upload vehicle photos, rebates, AI generated descriptions, and keep all information up-to-date with cloud-connected data. This ensures that everything is always accurate and current.

All Your Data in One Space

A Unified, Powerful Tool

Forget juggling multiple tabs to sell a car. Dealer Space consolidates everything you need into one place: inventory, customers, AI-powered communications, car deals, real-time payments, and more. This connected tool is what dealers have always deserved, making the sales process more efficient and effective.


The Space Auto Advantage

Equip yourself with this knowledge to show dealerships how Space Auto’s Dealer Space can transform their operations, providing an integrated, powerful, and user-friendly platform.


Highlighted Features:

  • Next-Gen CRM Tool
  • Website, Marketing, Sales Reporting
  • Deal Management with Instant Deals
  • Customer Financial, Website, and Marketing Insights
  • Deal Jacket Generation
  • Upload and Send Videos
  • Multi-Location Support
  • AI Enhanced Inventory Management
  • iOS, Android, Mac, PC & Web Application
  • Task Management, Appointments, and More
  • AI Responses, Templates, and Communications Automations
  • Native Calls, Texts, Emails


Let's move on to the next article: DAISI >